2015 Canadian Federal Election's Candidate Lookup Tool
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) wanted to enter Canada's 2015 General Election with a pledge to make the Canadian government pay closer attention to the needs to Canada's urban centers. By mobilizing their supporters, FCM wanted to be able to track whether candidates in the election stood by the organization's platform of empowering and supporting cities.
The candidate lookup tool allowed voters to find out which of their local candidates supported this platform. By entering their postal code or selecting their riding, the tool would find local candidates and their commitments. If a local candidate had not made the commitment to municipal issues, the user had the opportunity to message them via social media and make their voice heard.
Accessing OpenNorth's open-sourced API via a jQuery application, I was able to retrieve the candidates at the postal code entered. Combined with information stored in NationBuilder's CMS about each candidate, I was able to show the user how their local election was shaping up.